Alexander Memorial

Hastings District, Hastings District, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand


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Alexander Alexander, born in Scotland in 1820, was 'the first man to become what might be justly termed a Hawke's Bay settler and farmer'. Educated and of fine physique, he arrived in 1840 and took up land at Wharerangi, built Napier's first building (a store on the Tutaekuri River at Onepoto), kept a schooner, and traded with the Maori. TRUE LOVE! Alexander is probably better known for the story of his marriage when he was fifty. His love Harata, defying the elders of the Poraiti Pa, swam out to Alexander's schooner, which was moored in the roadstead about 3km offshore. The Maori elders guessed her destination and arrived at the ship to find Alexander sitting on a sea chest. Alexander invited them to search the ship, which they did, not suspecting that Harata was hiding in the sea chest!
Alexander Memorial, Vytvoril/a Marijke Bullians, Hastings District, Hastings District, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand