
Sereď, District of Galanta, Western Slovakia, Slovakia


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The cemetery is well preserved and located on a level site in the southern part of town, on the road (Route 507) leading to Galanta. Established in the first half of the nineteenth century, it has several sections, including a group of Baroque tombstones that were moved here from an older cemetery. The most recent section is from the interwar period and features several fine granite tombstones; a few graves date from the 1950s and 1960s. A children\'s section is located near the eastern wall. The cemetery chapel from 1882, which has been restored, is a simple building that also serves as an entrance to the cemetery. A clearly legible Hebrew inscription with a Star of David faces the street. The cemetery is well maintained by a local business secondary school, the Obchodná Akadémia Sereď, under the direction of a dedicated teacher, Dr. Klára Dobrovičová. Inside the chapel the school has established a small Holocaust exhibition, which is used for teaching tolerance and combating racial hatred.\n\nLocation: Sereď, Cukrovarská Street / facing house no. 37\nBuilding use: Religious; education and tourism\nHours: No regular opening hours, but groups and special visits can be arranged through the site manager. The site is closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays.\nEntrance fee: no\nCultural route plaque identification: yes\n\nCONTACT DETAILS\nMailing address: Obchodná akadémia Sereď, Mládežnícka 158/5, P.O.Box 30 B, 926 01 Sereď \nContact person: PhDr. Klára Dobrovičová\nPhone: 421-31-7892016 (daytime–school), 421-31-7892540 (19:00-21:00–home)\nE-mail:\nWebsite: n/a\n
galanta, Vytvoril/a Mattan S., Sereď, District of Galanta, Western Slovakia, Slovakia